CAESAR IN ABYSSINIA 185 Ogaden and fought at Gorahai at Afewerk's side, was created a Kenyazmatch. After rewards, drastic punishments. . . . Fitorari Simu, whom I had met rny last day at Gorahai, had ordered the flight from Gorahai and was sentenced to death by Nasibu for cowardice. He and another officer of the so-called " regulars" were to be shot the morning that the Emperor arrived. He commuted their sentences. Simu was publicly flogged before the troops whose rout he had led, and after thirty lashes was given two bayonet stabs in the back. The other Fitorari was flogged. The property of both was confiscated and assigned to the young Afewerk. The Emperor's visit galvanised the Ethiopians of the Ogaden. If Anale improved matters his arrival in Jijiga restored their confidence entirely. He gave no orders for an advance or grand offensive. It was clear to him that the strategy of the small round camps like Gorahai, Gerlo- gubi, Gabridihari, had failed. They offered too narrow a target to concentrated bombardment. Daggahbur, where men could scatter over a large area, was almost bombproof. He told Nasibu to stand his ground there, and try to make similar camps in the no-man's land further south. On the afternoon of the next day he drove back to Harrar with the linked machine-guns of the tanks which the Italians denied that they had lost at Anale. He visited and gave presents to the wounded, who were preparing even now to celebrate. With his usual gentleness and con- sideration he called on a sick Spanish journalist to whom he owed little. I burn for shame as I see his smiling face then, when he walked in the half-dark under the pink oleanders which framed the courtyard of the French Hospital at Harrar. I think of him in his wretched exile, neglected and forgotten by the people who had promised to aid him. When did he neglect any of the press, however humble, who came to Addis to disturb his peace and make his war complicated past bearing ? What white man's request did he turn aside ? Yet when they had forced him into failure 1 they dropped him like a stone. * Next morning he flew back to Addis from Diredawa. The first two Italian planes appeared over Harrar, and